Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (2025)

Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (1)

Here is a complete Palworld Tier List for a list of the best Pals in the game! If you don't know which Pals to use, we'll get you started in the right direction. Check out the strongest Pals like Jetragon, Jormuntide Ignis, and Shadowbeak, and see why they're the best!

The Best Pals Overall
Combat PalsTier List Base PalsTier List All MountsTier List
Ground MountsTier List Flying MountsTier List Water MountsTier List
Best Glider Pals Tier List

List of Contents

  • The Best Pals Ranked
  • Combat Pals Tier List
  • Base Pals Tier List
  • Mounts Tier List
  • Flying
  • Ground
  • Water
  • Pal IV Stat Checker
  • Related Guides

Best Pals Tier List

The 10 Best Pals to Use Overall

Tier List Navigation
Overall In Combat For Base Mounts
# Pal Evaluation
1 Jormuntide Ignis Combat:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (5) Mount:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (6) Worker:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (7)
Jormuntide Ignis is the most powerful Pal in terms of combat. It has amazing coverage thanks to its Fire and Dragon typing, combined with access to Tri-Lightning for coverage against Water-types!
2 Jetragon Combat:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (10) Mount:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (11) Worker:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (12)
Jetragon is the best all-rounder Pal! Its Dragon typing is great for end-game because of the abundance of Dark types. It learns Fire Ball and Beam Comet, two AoE skills with huge power. Jetragon is also currently the fastest Pal in the game!
3 Frostallion Combat:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (15) Mount:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (16) Worker:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (17)
Second to Jetragon, it is the second fastest Flying Mount in-game. Its Partner Skill also infuses your attacks with with Ice Damage and boosts both yours and its own damage on top of it!
4 Shadowbeak Combat:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (20) Mount:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (21) Worker:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (22)
With its Modified DNA Partner Skill, Shadowbeak has the potential to be the Strongest Dark Pal in-game if built properly. It can also be easily bred from Kitsun and Astegon, making it easy to breed Passive Skills down.
5 Paladius Combat:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (25) Mount:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (26) Worker:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (27)
Paladius is one of the fastest Ground mount and is currently the only Pal that can perform a Triple Jump. It's also amazing in combat thanks to its Neutral and Ice Learnset, letting you deal with Dragons with relative ease.
6 Necromus Combat:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (30) Mount:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (31) Worker:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (32)
The more offensive counterpart to Paladius, Necromus ties with it with being one of the fastest Ground mounts in-game. Its learnset leans more on dealing a ton of damage with Fire and Dark coverage.
7 Bellanoir Libero Combat:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (35) Mount:
Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (36)
Taking the spot from Astegon, Bellanoir Libero is a new premiere legendary Dark attacker thanks to its Siren of the Void Passive! This makes it a bit more reliable when it comes to dealing with Dragon-types by boosting damage by its Ice-Type attacks!
8 Anubis Combat:
Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (39)
Worker:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (40)
Thanks to its Pal Skill, it can easily dodge attacks and apply Ground Damage to your attacks. It is also super easy to obtain mid game if you breed Penking and Bushi.
9 Blazamut Ryu Combat:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (44) Mount:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (45) Worker:Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (46)
Blazamut Ryu is one of the Pals that are great both in and off the battle field. As a combat Pal, it will have its Dragon damage boosted while mounted, while at the base, it can both smelt and mine for great Ingot production efficiency.
10 Lyleen Noct Combat:
Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (49)
Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (50)
Lyleen Noct is the best Pal to use for Healing to help you turn the tides in combat. It can also handle pesky enemies thanks to its amazing coverage of Ice and Dark!

The Best Combat Pals and PvP

Combat Pals Tier List

Tier List Navigation
Overall In Combat For Base Mounts

Full Combat Pals Tier List

Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (51)Tier Jormuntide Ignis Jetragon Frostallion
Bellanoir Libero Paladius Jormuntide
Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (58)Tier Xenogard Bastigor Incineram Noct
Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (62)Tier Kitsun Warsect Terra Leezpunk Ignis
Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (66)Tier Kitsun Noct Pyrin Pyrin Noct

Jormuntide Ignis is the best Pal for combat due to its high attack stat and its Fire and Dragon typing. It learns a good variety of moves with amazing coverage, like Tri-Lightning for Water Pals.

We recommend checking out our full Combat Pal Tier List for a more detailed evaluation of all the best combat Pals, like a list of the best combat pals from each type!

Tier Criteria
Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (70) SS Tier Pals are the best in the game when it comes to dealing raw damage. These pals are usually rare and reserved for end-game content.
Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (71) These Pals are still solid additions to your team and can help you take down almost any boss in the game.
Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (72) Pals in A Tier are often the best to use in the later part of the game but are usually outclassed by Pals in the SS and S Tier.
Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (73) B Tier Pals are often amazing at the middle point of the game but will eventually fall off once you get to more difficult areas.

The Best Base Pals

Base Pals Tier List

Best Pal for Each Work Suitability

Best Pals For Each Base Job
Jormuntide Ignis

Kindling Lv. 4


Watering Lv. 4


Planting Lv. 4


Generating Electricity Lv. 4


Handiwork Lv. 4

Frostallion Noct

Gathering Lv. 4


Lumbering Lv. 4


Mining Lv. 4


Medicine Production Lv. 4


Cooling Lv. 4


Transporting Lv. 3



While not excelling in combat, some Pals can excel in completing jobs at your base in Palworld. For example, Beegarde is currently the Pal with the longest list of Work Suitabilities at seven! Meanwhile the rest of the Pals on this list are the best for each Work Suitability.

For a comprehensive list of which Pal is the best to put in your base for Early, Mid, and Late-Game, we recommend checking out our Best Base Pals Tier List!
Best Base Pals: Best Pals for Every Job

Best Pals for Farming

Best Pals for Farming
Lamball Wool Chikipi Egg Mozzarina Milk Beegarde Honey
Caprity Red Berries Woolipop Cotton Candy Flambelle Flame Organ Sibelyx High Quality Cloth
Mau Gold Coin Kelpsea Pal Fluids Kelpsea Ignis Flame Organ Dumud High Quality Pal Oil
Sootseer Bone Caprity Noct

Venom Gland

VixyRandom Drops Possible Vixy Items:

Gold Coin


Pal Sphere

Mega Sphere

Farming is a unique Work Suitability since there's only Work Suitability Lv. 1, and that each Pal has a unique resource that they drop while working at a Ranch.

Just make sure that you fix the Pal's assignment to the Ranch so that it doesn't go off doing other tasks.
List of Farming Work Suitability Pals

The Best Mounts

Flying Mount Tier List

Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (130)Tier Jetragon - -
Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (132)Tier Xenolord Frostallion Frostallion Noct
Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (136)Tier Faleris Aqua Shadowbeak Faleris
Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (140)Tier Helzephyr Lux Quivern Botan Helzephyr

Jetragon is the fastest mount in the game and is useful for traversing great distances. Meanwhile, Frostallion and Frostallion Noct improves your offense by making all of your attacks become Ice and Dark attacks respectively.

Feel free to check out our full Flying Mount Tier List to know how fast every Flying Pal is and what other effects they have besides getting you airborne!
Fastest Flying Mount Pals Tier List

Ground Mount Tier List

Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (144)Tier Azurmane Necromus Paladius
Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (148)Tier Fenglope Lux Xenogard Blazamut Ryu
Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (152)Tier Kitsun Noct Chillet Ignis Bastigor

Necromus is the fastest ground mount in the game, with Paladius following close behind. On top of being fast, their respective Active Skills, Twin Spears and Spear Thrust, lets them dash for a certain time when used!

Our Fastest Ground Mount Tier List lists every Pal that can be ridden from fastest to slowest, and also lists the effects they have when mounted.
Fastest Ground Mount Pals Tier List

Water Mount Tier List

Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (156)Tier Azurobe
Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (158)Tier Jormuntide
Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (160)Tier Surfent

While Azurobe is the fastest Swimming Mount in Palworld, Jormuntide and Surfent have Partner Skills that remove Stamina Consumption when being ridden so they each have their own uses.

Check out our complete Tier List of Swimming Pals to see which Pals can move the fastest on water and other effects they have!
Fastest Swimming Mount Pals Tier List

Glider Pal Tier List

Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (162)Tier Galeclaw -
Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (164)Tier Hangyu Hangyu Cryst
Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (167)Tier Celaray Killamari

Galeclaw is the fastest glider Pal and would be the best to use in almost all locations. However, though Hangyu and Hangyu Cryst are the slowest gliding Pals by a large margin, they're the only ones that make you float higher and gain altitude, making them useful in very niche situations.

Check out more details about all the glider Pals, including guides on getting one, how to use them, and how to improve their gliding speed in our Best Glider Pals Tier List!

Best Glider Pals Tier List

Pal IV Stat Checker

Use Game8's IV Stat Calculator to Find Pals With Perfect Talent Values!

Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (170)

Use our Palworld IV Calculator to calculate the IVs of your Pals Attack, Defense and HP Stats in Palworld!

Our IV Checker will allow you to check the individual value of each of your Pal's Stats with both Passive Skills applied or just the base values to see which of your Pals are the strongest of their species!

Palworld IV Stat Calculator

Palworld Related Guides

Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (171)

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Palworld Best Pals Tier List (January 2025) | Palworld|Game8 (2025)


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Author: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

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